Audi, Volkswagen, Skoda, Seat
Audi, Volkswagen, Skoda, Seat
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    part number Description Remark ST Model data
mounting parts for engine and transmission

6-speed manual transmission
1 N 90884602 double stud with hexagon drive
M12X55/M8X40 1
2 N 10721501 multi-point socket head boltwith collar
M12X50 1
3 N 91128401 double stud with hexagon drive
M12X165X80/M8X 2
4 N 10692401 hexagon head bolt (combi)
M12X70 1
5 N 10692701 hexagon head bolt (combi)
M10X105X90 1
6 N 90916102 bolt, hex. hd. with sockethead (combi)
M10X50X32 1
7 N 90916102 bolt, hex. hd. with sockethead (combi)
M10X50X32 1
8 Переход к группе dowel sleeve
see illustration, item:

9 Переход к группе cover plate
see illustration, item: