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SA number

Sa number Description/Note Footnotes In connection with Sa Series Submodel
01 ENGINE 001: + SA: 18304/22,18322/02,18338/70,18303/88,18492/05,18492/11,18868/21,082969/22,083164/38,083381/10,083394/02,
---- 442 950
02 ENGINE 002: + SA: 18324/01,18338/70,18492/45,18492/46,18876/07,18876/23,083383/05,
---- 442 962
03 ENGINE ---- 442 962
04 ENGINE 004: + SA: 18304/22,18338/70,18495/18,18492/45+46,18561/26,18568/13,18876/23,082969/24,083164/38,
---- 442 950